University Community Care Plan

The health care facilities listed below may have facility-based physicians that do not participate in our provider network.
Community First Health Plans provider directories list the independent doctors and other health care providers who participate in the Community First network, but we do not participate with all hospitals, health care facilities, physicians or other health care providers that may be in your area. Please review your plan documents to determine how your financial responsibilities may differ if you choose a health care provider or a facility that is not included in your network (i.e., out-of-network). Additionally, not all facility-based physicians or health care practitioners that provide services in a Community First participating hospital or outpatient facility are in the Community First provider network. We recommend you confirm the network status of facility-based physicians or health care providers before receiving services, in order to make an informed decision about where to obtain services. Examples of hospital or facility-based professionals that may not participate in our network include, but are not limited to, anesthesiologists, radiologists, pathologists, emergency room physicians and facility-based physicians. If you receive a bill from a facility-based physician or other health care practitioner, please contact the Community First Member Services department.

If you’ve had a qualifying life event, you may be eligible for a special enrollment period. See if you qualify for the University Community Care Plan.

Member Portal
Provider Portal