Special Enrollment Period

You can enroll in University Community Care Plan if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period based on certain life changes.
Review this page to see if you qualify.

What is a Special Enrollment Period?

Usually, you can only change health plans during open enrollment. However, you may be able to join a plan during a special enrollment period if you’ve had a qualifying life event. 

Life Events that qualify you for a Special Enrollment period: 
  • Lost Medicaid/CHIP coverage
  • Got married
  • Had a baby, adopted, or fostered a child
  • Got divorced/separated from your spouse
  • Death of a family member
  • Turned 26 while on a family member’s policy
  • Moved to the United States
  • Moved to a new zip code or county
  • Moved to/from a place where you attend school as a student
  • Moved to/from a place you both live and work as a seasonal worker
  • Moved to/from a shelter or transitional housing
  • A change in your income or household status
  • Loss/change in your job that results in a loss of health care coverage or end of COBRA coverage
  • Employer offered to help with your health care coverage cost
  • Became a U.S. citizen
  • Became a member of an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe
  • Left incarceration (jail)

If you’ve had a qualifying life event and would like to apply for University Community Care Plan, please call 1-888-512-2347 to speak with a licensed broker who can help you enroll or click below.

Learn More

Special Enrollment Flyer – English
Special Enrollment Flyer - Spanish

If you’ve had a qualifying life event, you may be eligible for a special enrollment period. See if you qualify for the University Community Care Plan.

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